Mental Health Leadership Training Programs

Workplace Mental Health Programs That Develop Leadership Confidence

We tailor programs and training to develop leadership confidence and capability in promoting mentally health workplaces and responding effectively to mental health issues in the workplace.

We also help our clients to develop Workplace Mental Health Strategies and train leaders in how to understand, identify and manage Psychosocial Hazards in the workplace

Leaders and managers must build their levels of confidence around mental health issues to better include people with mental ill health in the workplace, and to enable appropriate support of employees during illness and recovery. 

Typical topics covered in our mental health training:

  • Introduction to mentally healthy workplaces and their benefits
  • Leaders’ obligations, roles and critical behaviours in supporting employees
  • Facts and myths about mental illness, and stigma, as they relate to the leader’s role
  • Recognising the most common forms of mental illness and how they may manifest at work
  • Psychosocial hazards and risk factors in the workplace and how to identify and manage these
  • What to do following an employee’s disclosure of mental health issues or concerns
  • Supportive leadership behaviours and helping conversations that promote recovery
  • Return to work planning and support
  • How regular check-in conversations build relationship credit, approachability and openness
  • The role of early intervention and individual situation plans to tackle the diversity of needs
  • Building a supportive workplace culture for prevention and early interventions
  • Discussion and scenario forum (your questions answered by an experienced psychologist)

Benefits Of Mental Health Training Programs

Leadership confidence

Increased awareness

Early intervention

Supportive culture

Reduced stigma

Reduced costs

The Why:

Mental health is an increasingly important topic in the workplace. 60% of people with a mental illness are in the workforce! One in six working age people will be suffering from mental illness, which is associated with very high personal and economic costs. Mental illness is one of the leading causes of sickness absence and long-term work incapacity in Australia and is one of the main health related reasons for reduced work performance.

It is estimated that untreated mental health conditions cost Australian workplaces approximately $10.9 billion per year. This comprises $4.7 billion in absenteeism, $6.1 billion in presenteeism and $146 million in compensation claims.

Individuals with mental health problems, and their caregivers, are some of the most stigmatised and marginalised groups in the workplace and often miss out on the many benefits good work can offer.

There is increasing evidence that workplaces can play an important and active role in maintaining the mental health and well-being of their workers. Every business has a legal and moral responsibility to provide a safe and fair workplace. Creating a mentally healthy workplace has many benefits for both employers and employees. A well designed workplace should support individual mental health and lead to reduced absenteeism, increased employee engagement and improved productivity.

Well implemented mental health programs in the workplace can produce a $2.3 dollar return on investment for every dollar spent. 

Mentally Healthy Workplaces

A mentally healthy workplace can be conceptualised as one in which risk factors are acknowledged and appropriate action taken to minimise their potential negative impact on an individual's mental health. At the same time protective or resilience factors are fostered and maximised.

Mental health in the workplace is multifaceted and each workplace will have different risk and protective factors for mental health.

Using an effective process consulting model, YES Psychology & Consulting can help you design, deliver and review a Mentally Healthy Workplace program for your organisation.
